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Cynthia & David's wedding
- the brides arrives .. and enters

Wedding foto

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Richard opens door
for Cynthia & Fiona

Cynthia & Fiona

Cynthia & Fiona

Rev Neil Ellis & David
.. still waiting

Cynthia, Fiona & Ian
inside church gate

Cynthia & Fiona
in church grounds

Cynthia, Fiona & Ian
in church grounds

Cynthia & Ian
in church grounds

Cynthia & Ian
in church grounds

Cynthia, Ian & Fiona
in church grounds

Richard & Glenda
organise bridal party

Fiona enters
the church

Cynthia & Ian
enter the church

Cynthia & Ian
walk down the aisle

All photograph's copyright by the photographer in question. Please respect their rights.
High-resolution copies for printing are available via Email for most (but not all) photographs.