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Cynthia & David's wedding
the wedding ceremony

Wedding index

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Fiona, Ian, Cynthia &
David father of bride
(Ian) gives consent

Lisa Mahy sings
"You'll Always be
Loved By Me"

Cynthia & David make
wedding vows with
Rev Neil Ellis

Putting on the rings

The Kiss
(Rev Neil smiling
in the background)

Just after the Kiss

Fiona signing the
marriage registry

Rosemary Sylvester
signing the registry

Rosemary Sylvester
signing the registry

Lisa Mahy sings
"From Here to Eternity"

David, Cynthia, Fiona
& Rosie - after signing

David 'signing' registry
- foto shoot

Cynthia 'signing' registry
- foto shoot

David, Cynthia, Fiona
& Rosemary

David, Cynthia, Fiona
& Rosemary

David, Cynthia, Fiona
& Rosemary

David, Cynthia, Fiona
  Rosemary & Rev Neil

Rev Neil Ellis

Handing over the
marriage certificate

Neil, David & Cynthia
with certificate

David & Cynthia
leaving the church

David & Cynthia
leaving the church

David, Cynthia & Fiona
leaving the church

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High-resolution copies for printing are available via Email for most (but not all) photographs.